Monday 4 May 2020

Learn Talmud - Berachot - Lesson 19 Daf 7b (Koren Talmud Bavli) - The Me...

We conclude Daf 7a regarding God's desire to destroy the Jewish people and make a new nation from Moshe (Moses). Though Moshe's prayer succeeds in annulling the first part of the promise, God still acts out on His good intention in blessing Moshe to become great through his descendants.

We then move on to Daf 7b. We learn some teachings that Rabbi Yochanan says in the name of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai - the author of the holy Zohar.

Did you know that until Avraham (Abraham), nobody referred to God as Adon?!

Another teaching we learn is that we should not try to placate another at his time of anger.

Did you know that until Leah - nobody gave true thanks to God?! When she named her fourth son Yehudah - this was her way of saying thank you. It is an inborn trait for a Jew to acknowledge the good that others do for him and to simply almost spontaneously thank they other when they receive a kindness. What a wonderful trait to have!

The Talmud thereafter speaks about the themes of the mysteries of names in the world. Why do each of us have a name and what do our names mean?! The Gemara sites certain people to show us the meaning of their names. We learn why Reuvein was called as he was, and Yaakov and also Rut!

Arguments in one's own home - from one's own children and really general family feuds can be much worse than even the war of Gog and Magog - the war preceding the arrival of the Moshiach.

Tune in to today's lesson to find our more about these wonderful teachings!

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