Wednesday 18 March 2020

Ahavat Chessed - Loving Kindness - Chofetz Chaim - Lesson 1

We are starting the famous work Ahavat Chessed - Loving Kindness - written by the Chofetz Chaim, Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen Kagan.

This is an amazing work that teaches us the values of loving kindness. Not just practising kindness, but how to actually come to love kindness.

We are living in an especially difficult time at the moment with the Coronavirus and it is important for us to increase in our acts of lovingkindness towards each other. I start this lesson with some insights into the attribute of kindness and some ideas of how we can work on increasing kindness with each other.

Thereafter we begin from Chapter 2 of the famous work (dealing with how we can understand the attribute of kindness and how to implement it.) The book has been divided into small sections to help learn it again and again over a three month period.

In this lesson we go through the first two days of reading where we find out why it is that sometimes things get taken away from us and that if we see this in the correct light, we can understand why it is happening to us this way. Thereafter we find out what it really means to love kindness and how this will help us to be better.

Now, more than ever, we must increase in loving kindness - caring for one another, wishing the best for one another and doing whatever we can to turn around our moments of self-quarantine and distance from each other - to moments of connection and love!

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