Monday, 18 June 2018

Where Have Our Blog Posts Moved To?

Shalom Friends!

You might have noticed that our posts stopped quite some time ago! Don't be alarmed! We haven't disappeared!

If you'll look in our main banner, you'll see that our main website is  After considering our options of posting some things on this site and other things on the main site, we decided to continue our posting on the main site.

So - if you're interested in continuing your journey of Torah study with us - please do find your way to and do see our blog there too!

There's a lot more going on on that site than you'll find here, with much more personal interaction as well! Our Chatan and Kallah lessons are still available, as are all our Torah services which you can find out more about on our main site!

Please stay with us! Your support is really appreciated and makes such a difference to us!

For more about what we do, feel free to join our free newsletter!

With much love - 



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